Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Medical Student Being Failed at University of Manitoba for Not Providing Abortion Option

WINNIPEG, March 18, 2004 ( - A medical student in his last year at the University of Manitoba Medical School will be denied his degree for his unwillingness to partake in any abortion-related activity. The Christian student, who wishes to remain unnamed, received a failing grade in an Obstetrics and Gynecology portion of his program for refusing to perform or refer for any abortive procedure. Three separate appeals to the Medical School have all failed to correct the matter.

Carolee Neufeld, a friend of the family who is has been issuing calls for prayer and taking correspondence told that the failure stands despite the fact that the student has high grades in every area of study and strong words of affirmation from clinical supervisors.

The failing grade was first challenged on October 31 last year, two subsequent appeals to the Medical School have also failed to reverse the failing grade. The last challenge was on March 3, 2004 when the student appeared before the highest-level appeal committee within the Faculty of Medicine. The student learned of the rejection of his latest plea last Friday.

The student is considering his next moves. The next level of appeal would be to the senate of the University of Manitoba. He is being supported by several pro-life doctors in Manitoba, who are concerned about the university's intolerance.

CJOB Radio News in Winnipeg covered the story briefly today. Dr. Brian Magwood Associate Dean at the Faculty of Medicine told CJOB that university policy states that students are obligated to tell patients about all treatment options which fall within the medical standard of care.

One of the doctors supporting the student, Winnipeg physician, Dr. Frederick Ross told CJOB many doctors swore to protect human life "from the moment of conception" when they took the Hippocratic Oath. Dr. Ross called on the University of Manitoba to give room to people of conscience.

Prayers are requested for the student and his family as they proceed with their case and for the stress and hardship the situation has caused.

Messages of support for the student and his family can be sent to:

To express your concerns to the University of Manitoba
Dr. Brian K.E. Hennen
University of Manitoba
Dean, Faculty of Medicine
753 McDermot Ave., Room A101
Phone: 204-789-3485
Fax: (204) 789-3928



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course he's in the wrong. How ridiculous. The University here is merely maintaining that he must TELL his patients that abortion is an option, not perform it. It is just like if someone approached me with enlarged or asymmetric labia which was causing them emotional distress and asked me if there was anything they could do- even if I disagreed radically with the idea women should alter themselves down there based on a notion of what is considered attractive in society, I would be bound by ethical and medical policy to tell them that such a procedure exists.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A doctor is not a judge (of ethical or legal issues). He should not receive a degree. That said, he should have been informed before he started school of the requirements of practicing medicine, including the discussion of procedures that he might find objectionable.

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see on this blog that you all support Bush, and oppose abortion. You also seem to equate abortion with murder.

Permit me a gruesome exercise: imagine a pile, filling up a stadium, of 100,000 aborted fetuses. Now imagine an adjacent stadium full of 100,000 dead iraqis.

Why is abortion your chosen issue when your preferred presidential candidate is personally responsible for the deaths of more than 100,000 people? Even more, why do you support a man who seems to have assumed the responsiblity of deciding who is worth murdering and whose murder is worth stopping?

12:15 PM  

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